WA Golf Net Four-Ball Match Play Exit Survey How many matches did you win?Had you previously participated in a WA Golf event?Ex: Winter Series, Championship or Casual Golf Day Yes No Did you play in the Net Four-Ball Match Play last year? Yes No If no, did the changes made to the event this year influence your decision to sign up?Did you like the Pod Play format for the beginning of the event? Yes No If no, please explainWas there enough time during the pod play window to schedule and play your match? Yes No If no, what were some of the issues you had scheduling your match during the pod play window?Were you pleased with the start date of the event? Yes No If no, would a later starting date be more preferable?Were there any discouraging factors about the event? Yes No If yes, please explain.Was the entry fee a comfortable amount? Yes No If no, please explain why you were not pleased with the entry fee amount.Did you have a positive experience playing your matches? Yes No If no, please explain why.Was it easy to understand the description of the event? Yes No Please provide any feedback that you have regarding how the event was describedAdditional CommentsCAPTCHA