Eastside Senior Men's GA

Bellevue Golf Course

5500 140th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98005

ESGA can’t decide if it’s a socially active golf club, or a golf club that is very social. It is important that our members interact with each other both on and off the course. We play primarily at Bellevue Golf Course on Wednesday each week year around. It is a collection of men aged 50 years old and up. Our membership is capped at 60 players. Our group is not oriented to beginners, but instead to competitive older players who are well acquainted to the rules of the game, golf etiquette and pace of play. All tee times and playing partners are assigned, which balances early and late tee times. We expect to play a round of golf in 4 hours or less.

Although the primary reason we come together each week is to play golf, there are important social aspects to our weekly get togethers as well. All results are announced shortly after the last group finishes, and you must be present to win. Therefore, as players come in off the course it common to share an adult beverage and regale your playing partners with the could have, would have and should have been stories of the day.

Naturally, it is all in good fun. We pay a minimal amount of money for competition fees each week- and payouts are equally small. It’s all about the bragging rights- until the next week.

If you are at least 50 and are interested in playing golf with a bunch of fun guys, consider the ESGA as a possibility.