The George Holland Award annually recognizes volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions to Washington Golf and the game of golf throughout the WA Golf territory of Washington and Northern Idaho. These dedicated individuals contribute many hours of time and effort, as well as resources, to our Association, simply for the satisfaction of knowing they are benefiting the game of golf. They are truly the “unsung heroes” of WA Golf. It is named the George Holland Award in honor of longtime volunteer, contributor, and two-time past president, George Holland.
Club Representative of the Year
This award recognizes a Club Representative for exemplary efforts within their club, in the golf community or with the Association.

2024 Recipient
Gary Ordway – Port Gardner Senior Men’s Club
Gary Ordway, Club Representative of the Port Gardner Senior Men’s Club, has been named the 2024 Washington Golf Club Representative of the Year.
Many members of the club submitted nominations for Gary’s outstanding efforts with the club. One nomination states, “With over 300 active members the Club provides an outstanding opportunity to meet fellow golfers and partake in friendly competitions. This year the club has worked hard to improve pace of play and it is having a positive impact. All of the club events run so smoothly thanks to the efforts of Gary Ordway.”
He also excels at incorporating and welcoming new members into the flow of play at club events, giving them ample opportunities to meet other members.
Congratulations to Gary Ordway and the Port Gardner Senior Men’s Club, and thank you for your outstanding contributions!
Course Rater of the Year
This award recognizes a WA Golf Course Rater for extraordinary efforts in the course rating process throughout the year.

2024 Recipients
Barb and Dennis McCormick
We are proud to announce Barb and Dennis McCormick as the 2024 Washington Golf Course Raters of the Year.
Barb and Dennis have been dedicated course raters since 2014. Their first course rating took a day and a half to complete—a challenge that, according to former Head of Course Rating John Saegner, often deters new raters from returning. Yet, 10 years later, Barb and Dennis are still actively contributing to the game they love.
Known for their positive energy, Barb and Dennis are a pleasure to work with. Their presence always brightens the rating team’s day, especially when they bring donuts to start the morning. They are not only friendly with fellow raters but also with the members they meet on the courses, consistently seeking to improve their skills and deepen their knowledge of course rating.
In their own words, Barb and Dennis say, “We have enjoyed being part of the rating team and experiencing the golf courses our State has to offer. There is genuine camaraderie on the rating team, and we appreciate Collin Westwood’s leadership and understanding. It is a bit scary that we are starting to feel like a family.”
They humorously add, “Every course we rate the golfers always tell us the slope rating needs to be higher, the greens are harder than any other course they have played and the sand in the bunkers needs replacing. (FYI, we do not rate the quality of the sand in bunkers). We are actually getting quite good at rating the quality of food served at the courses. Don’t worry, it does not influence our course ratings.”
Congratulations to Barb and Dennis McCormick, and thank you for your dedication to the game of golf!
Handicap Chair of the Year
This award recognizes a WA Golf club’s Handicap Chairperson for extraordinary efforts in managing their club’s handicapping process throughout the year.

2024 Recipient
Noah Van Loen – The Links at Interbay
We are proud to announce Noah Van Loen from The Links at Interbay as the 2024 Washington Golf Handicap Chair of the Year.
Noah has been a dedicated member of Interbay since 2010 and has served as the club’s president since 2016. Under his leadership and with the support of fellow volunteers, the club has nearly doubled in size since 2021.
In 2024, the World Handicap System was updated to allow course ratings for shorter courses, including Interbay. Noah worked closely with WA Golf staff to ensure that Interbay received its rating before the start of the 2024 posting season. In early December 2023, on one of the wettest mornings of the year, Noah spent over an hour guiding WA Golf staff around the course to complete the rating—despite the fact that Interbay does not have carts, much less heated or enclosed ones. This level of commitment speaks volumes about Noah’s dedication to Interbay and the game of golf.
A fun fact about Noah: despite playing over 1,000 rounds at Interbay over the years, he has yet to make a hole-in-one! (He’s confident that will change the next time he plays)
Congratulations to Noah Van Loen, WA Golf’s 2024 Handicap Chair of the Year, and thank you for your outstanding contributions!
Championship Volunteer of the Year
This award recognizes a championship volunteer that displays an extraordinary level of dedication and commitment to WA Golf Championships and USGA Qualifiers throughout the year.

2024 Recipient
Joe Florence
We are proud to recognize Joe Florence as the 2024 Washington Golf Championship Volunteer of the Year.
Originally from Northern Kentucky, Joe retired after 32 years in law enforcement. A passionate amateur golfer, he enjoyed participating in various tournaments over the years, even winning the senior club championship at Alderbrook last year. Before moving to Washington in 2019, Joe and his wife coached Special Olympics golf in Georgia, furthering their commitment to the game.
A couple of years ago, while browsing the Washington Golf website, Joe noticed the volunteer section and saw an opportunity to give back to the sport he loves. He decided to try it out and quickly became a valued member of the championship volunteer team. Since then, he has enjoyed every moment contributing to the success of many events.
Congratulations to Joe Florence, and thank you for your outstanding contributions to WA Golf!
Past recipients:
- 2023 – Steve Bosley, Dave Nelsen, John Saegner Jr., Bob Witter and Chuck Tourville
- 2022 – Bob Witter, Tammy Halstead, Jeffrey Schoening and Mary Lou Bunn
- 2021 – Phil Kelley, Kaydee Mounce, Steve DeCoy, Vern Tator and Roger Kessler
- 2020 – Kaydee Mounce, Phil Kelley, Gaylene Lewin, Norm Darsow and Trina Arnott
- 2019 – Richard Karstens, Gary McLaughlin, Mary Lou Bunn and Noah Van Loen
- 2018 – Ernie Lockwood
- 2017 – Bill Best
- 2016 – Dave Nelsen
- 2015 – Michele and Chris Sales
- 2014 – Mike Mueller and Jim Marcacci
- 2013 – Kaydee Mounce
- 2012 – Ray Monroe and Steve Kay
- 2011 – Jim Patten
- 2010 – Jim Hagerty and Kaydee Mounce
- 2009 – Jane Sossamon and Ron Nelson
- 2008 – H.M. “Monty” Montgomery and Ben Stodghill
- 2007 – Jackie Belsvik and Gomer Evans
- 2006 – Stanley Bishop and George Pennell
- 2005 – Brooks Whittle
- 2004 – Chuck King and George Egge
- 2003 – Dan Farmer and Lew Kisling
- Championship Volunteer – Bob Witter
- Handicap Chairperson – Mary Lou Bunn
- Club Representative – Jeffrey Schoening
- Course Rating – Tammy Halstead
- Championship Volunteers – Phil Kelley & Kaydee Mounce
- Club Representative – Steve DeCoy
- Course Rating – Vern Tator
- Handicap Chairperson – Roger Kessler
- Championship Volunteers – Kaydee Mounce & Phil Kelley
- Course Rating – Gaylene Lewin
- Handicap Chairperson – Norm Darsow
- Club Representative – Trina Arnott
- Championship Volunteer – Richard Karstens
- Course Rating – Gary McLaughlin
- Handicap Chairperson – Mary Lou Bunn
- Club Representative – Noah Van Loen
2018 George Holland Award Winner
Ernie Lockwood – Bremerton, Wash.

- Volunteered 25 days for WA Golf and PNGA Championships, and USGA Qualifiers
- Attended and participated in 12 WA Golf Course Ratings
- Volunteered at several Washington Junior Golf Association (WJGA) tournaments
- Volunteered at several high school and collegiate tournaments
- Certified WA Golf Rules Official – scored over 90% on USGA Rules Exam
- Certified WA Golf Course Rating Team Member
- WA Golf Club Representative since 2000
2017 George Holland Award Winner
Bill Best – Puyallup, Wash.

- Joined WSGA Course Rating Committee in 2013
- Retired from Boeing in 2015
- Spent 12 days rating courses in 2017
- Joined the Championship Volunteers in 2017
- Spent 10 days volunteering at WSGA championships in 2017
- Has been a member of Linden G&CC for 10 years
- Plays golf with other Boeing employees on Tuesdays
2016 George Holland Award Winner
Dave Nelsen – La Conner, Wash.

- Assisted with 18 Course Ratings in 2016, easily the most of any non-WSGA board member
- Out of the 40 ratings the WSGA scheduled this year, Dave volunteered for every single one
- Dave also volunteered to work at the Seattle Golf Show
2015 George Holland Award Winner
Michele and Chris Sales – Issaquah, Wash.

- U.S. Open Sectional Qualifier (Cle Elum, Wash.)
- WSGA Men’s Amateur Championship (Cle Elum, Wash.)
- WSGA Men’s and Women’s Mid-Amateur Championships (Renton, Wash.)
- PNGA Men’s Amateur Championship (Sunriver, Ore.)
2014 George Holland Award Winner
Mike Mueller – Gold Mountain Golf Club

- 2014 U.S. Women’s Amateur Public Links Championship at The Home Course – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2013-2014 – NCAA West Coast Conference Championship – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2012-2014 – Boeing Classic – Volunteer
- 2011-2014 – Husky Invitational – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2011 U.S. Junior Amateur Championship at Gold Mountain GC – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2010 U.S. Amateur Championship at Chambers Bay – Volunteer
- Member of the WSGA Course Rating Team
2014 George Holland Award Winner
Jim Marcacci – Gold Mountain Golf Club

- 2014 U.S. Women’s Amateur Public Links Championship at The Home Course -Volunteer Lead
- 2013 West Coast Conference Championship at Gold Mountain GC – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2012 Pac-12 Preview at Pumpkin Ridge GC – Volunteer
- 2011 U.S. Junior Amateur Championship at Gold Mountain GC – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2009 Ping/Golfweek Invitational – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2008, ’09, ’11, ’12, ’14 Husky Invitational – Volunteer Coordinator
- 2008 and 2010 NCAA Western Regionals at Gold Mountain GC – Volunteer
- 2006 U.S. Amateur Public Links Championship at Gold Mountain GC – Volunteer
2013 George Holland Award Winner
Kaydee Mounce – Boeing Employees Golf Association

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1993
- Active member of WSGA Course Rating team for over 18 years
- Active WSGA and PNGA Championship Volunteer for over 15 years
- Handicap Chairperson for Boeing Employees Golf Association
- Loyal attendee of all WSGA and PNGA Annual Meetings
- In 2013, Kaydee volunteered for 12 WSGA Course Ratings
- In 2013, Kaydee volunteered every day for the following championships, which adds up to over 30 days during this season:
- WSGA Champion of Champions
- WSGA Women’s Best-Ball
- WSGA Men’s Best-Ball
- WSGA Men’s Amateur – West Qualifying
- WSGA Men’s Amateur
- WSGA Women’s and Senior Women’s Amateur
- WSGA Men’s and Women’s Mid-Amateur
- WSGA Parent-Child
- PNGA Men’s Mid-Amateur
- Sahalee Players Championship
2012 George Holland Award Winner
Ray Monroe – Club Representative at Three Rivers Golf Club
Member at Alderbrook Golf Club

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1991
- Active member of the WSGA Course Rating Team for over 15 years
- WSGA and PNGA Championship Volunteer since 1991
- Loyal attendee of all WSGA and PNGA Annual Meetings
- In 2012, volunteered for 34 course ratings, including eight trips to Eastern Washington
- In 2012, volunteered for four championship days at various WSGA and PNGA Championships, and USGA Qualifiers
2012 George Holland Award Winner
Steve Kay – Club Representative at Riverbend Golf Complex

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 2006
- Active member of WSGA Course Rating Team since 2007
- WSGA and PNGA Championship Volunteer since 2007
- WSGA and PNGA Rules Official
- Loyal attendee of all WSGA and PNGA Annual Meetings
- In 2012, volunteered for a total of 27 championship days at various WSGA and PNGA Championships, and USGA Qualifiers
- In 2012, volunteered for eight course ratings, including a trip to Eastern Washington to rate three courses in the Spokane area
2011 George Holland Award Winner
Jim Patten – Lakeland Village Golf Club

- WSGA and PNGA Rules Official for Over a Decade
- Helped WSGA Championship Staff Numerous Times With Course Marking
- U.S. Amateur Public Links Committee Member for 18 Years
- Rules Offical at 17 U.S. Amateur Public Links Championships
- Rules Official at 3 U.S. Women’s Opens
- Rules Official at 4 U.S. Women’s Amateur Championship
- Rules Official at 9 U.S. Senior Amateur Championships
- Rules Official at 10 NCAA Division I Women’s Championships
- Rules Official at the 2007 U.S. Junior Girls’ Amateur Championship
- Rules Official at the 2011 U.S. Junior Amateur
2010 George Holland Award Winner
Jim Hagerty – Hangman Valley Golf Course

- Longtime WSGA Course Rating Volunteer
- Has Conducted Hundreds of Ratings in Eastern Washington
- WSGA and PNGA Championship Volunteer when Associations are in Inland Empire
2010 George Holland Award Winner
Kaydee Mounce – Boeing Employees Gofl Association

- Active Member of WSGA Women’s Course Rating Team for 15+ Years
- Served as Chairwoman of PNGA Junior Girls’ Championship 10+ Times
- WSGA and PNGA Championship Volunteer
- Handicap Chairperson for Boeing Employees Golf Association
- Loyal Attendee of All WSGA and PNGA Annual Meeting
2009 George Holland Award Winner
Jane Sossamon – Fairwood Golf and Country Club

- WSGA Club Representative Since 1994
- PNGA Club Representative Since 1994
- PNGA Women’s Division Chair in 2004
- PNGA Championship Committee Member Since 2006
- WSGA and PNGA Master Rules Official
- USGA Senior Women’s Committee Member
- Co-Chaired the Marshal Committee at the LPGA Safeco Tournament for 10 Years
- Chaired the Marshal Committee for All of the Fred Couples Tournaments
- Past President of Fairwood Golf and Country Club
- WSGA Handicap Chair for the Fairwood Women’s Club
2009 George Holland Award Winner
Ron Nelson – Fairwood Golf and Country Club

- WSGA Club Representative Since 1999
- PNGA Club Representative Since 1999
- PNGA Championship Committee Member Since 2006
- WSGA and PNGA Master Rules Official
- Co-Chaired the Marshal Committee at the LPGA Safeco Tournament for 10 Years
- Chaired the Marshal Committee for All of the Fred Couples Tournaments
- Past President of Fairwood Golf and Country Club
- WSGA Handicap Chair for the Fairwood Men’s Club
2008 George Holland Award Winner
H.M. ‘Monty’ Montgomery – Allenmore Golf Course

- WSGA Club Representative since 1992.
- PNGA Club Representative since 1985.
- President, Tacoma Golf Association 1977 and 1978.
- Long-time Chairman of the ‘H.M. Montgomery’ Tacoma City Junior Championship.
- Very active WSGA and PNGA Championship volunteer for many years.
- Actively promotes WSGA and PNGA at Allenmore Golf Course and within the TGA.
- Three-time Tacoma Senior City Amateur Champion.
2008 George Holland Award Winner
Ben Stodghill – Bellevue Municipal

- WSGA Club Representative since 1994.
- PNGA Club Representative since 1994.
- PNGA Director 2007-present.
- Chairman of the PNGA Championship Committee since 2006.
- WSGA Championship Committee Member since 2006.
- Very active WSGA and PNGA Championship volunteer for many years and considered one of the WSGA and PNGA’s ‘expert’ Starter’s.
- Actively promotes WSGA and PNGA Bellevue Municipal Golf Course.
2007 George Holland Award Winner
Jackie Belsvik – Mt. Si Golf Course

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1988
- Longtime WSGA and PNGA Volunteer
- Member of WSGA Championship Committee for Over a Decade
- Volunteers at Almost Every WSGA Championship at Registration and Scoreboard
- Member of WSGA Course Rating Committee and Team Leader for Over 20 Years
- Rarely Misses a WSGA or PNGA Annual Meeting
- Promotes WSGA and PNGA Activities and Information at Her Club
2007 George Holland Award Winner
Gomer Evans – Enumclaw Golf Course

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1991
- Longtime WSGA and PNGA Volunteer
- Longtime Active Member of the Tacoma Golf Association
- A Member the WSGA Course Rating Committee
- Has Rated Dozens of Courses in Washington
- Promotes WSGA and PNGA Activities and Information at His Club
2006 George Holland Award Winner
Stanley Bishop – Lakeland Village Golf Club

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since Early 1970’s
- Incredible Proponent of the Evans Scholarship Program
- Mentors Evans Candidates and Follows Their Progress Throughout College
- Volunteers as a Rules Official for the WJGA
- Was a Very Active Volunteer for WSGA and PNGA Championships Before Health Limited His Mobility
- Always Volunteers for the Seattle Golf Show
2006 George Holland Award Winner
George Pennell – Mt. Si Golf Course

- Longtime WSGA and PNGA Volunteer
- Very Active Volunteer at WSGA and PNGA Championships and USGA Qualifiers
- Has Volunteered at Every Seattle Golf Show since its Inception in 1998
- Member of the WSGA Course Rating Committee
- Has Rated Dozens of Courses in Washington
- Actively Promotes WSGA and PNGA Activities and Information at His Club
2005 George Holland Award Winner
Brooks Whittle – Broadmoor Golf Club

- Evans Cup Procurement Chairman since 1994
- Helped Raised Over $1.6 Million for Evans Scholars Foundation
- Western Golf Association Director since 1995
- Western Golf Association Vice-President since 1999
- Past President, Broadmoor Golf Club
- Past President, Sand Point Country Club
- Involved with Raising Money for Countless Seattle-area Charities
2004 George Holland Award Winner
Chuck King

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1994
- Dedicated WSGA Championship Volunteer
- Served as Starter at All WSGA Championships
- Active WSGA Course Rating Volunteer
- Strong Proponent of Evans Scholarship Program
2004 George Holland Award Winner
George Egge – Tumwater Valley Golf Club

- WSGA and PNGA Club Representative since 1992
- Very Knowledgeable USGA Rules of Golf Official at Many WSGA and PNGA Championships
- Volunteers Many Hours to the WJGA as a Rules Official
- Longtime Tacoma Golf Association Delegate from His Home Club
2003 George Holland Award Winner
Dan Farmer

2003 George Holland Award Winner
Lew Kisling