Please join us in welcoming our newest staff member at Washington Golf, Blake Martella. Blake joins the WA Golf Championship Department as a Manager of Rules & Competition.
Get to know a little bit about Blake:
Give us some background on yourself
I am from Salinas, Calif. which is about 15 minutes inland from Pebble Beach and the Monterey Peninsula. I grew up playing most sports but primarily focused on swimming and playing water polo. I went to school out in Boulder, Colorado at the University of Colorado and was the president of the men’s water polo team there. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and completed the Business of Sports program.
What’s your favorite thing about golf? Where did you first start working in the industry?
I first fell in love with golf while playing with my dad throughout my childhood at our local country club, Corral de Tierra. We annually went to the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am and loved to play a round together whenever we went on vacation or had a free weekend. I started working in the golf industry as a traveling operations intern for the American Junior Golf Association.
Who would be the other three players in your dream foursome?
Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Bill Murray.