The NLGA (Northwest Ladies Golf Association) was created over 25 years ago by women and for women, and all skill levels are welcome.
Your annual membership fee of $60 provides you the opportunity to participate in planned outings and play in a league of your choice; to establish a handicap through the GHIN program; and to enjoy all the benefits of Washington Golf, the governing body of golf in our region.
The group is uber-active during the months of April thru October. Since we don’t have our own course to play on, our committee schedules a couple of outings per month at various Puget Sound-area golf courses, usually on weekends.
These events are a fun way to get introduced to courses that you might not normally play, and to enjoy 18 holes with some other golf lovers. Of course, you only pay the greens fees for the events you choose to participate in. Our 2020 schedule is available here.
If time is tighter for you, maybe league play is something to consider. Beginning in May, we offer a number of opportunities, most of which are during the week, when you play just nine holes.
It’s a nice way to stay connected to the game without having to commit a huge chunk of time, and to get to know a smaller group of golfers a little better. As with the outings, you only pay when you’re able to play.
Early in the season, to help you get your game in shape for a more enjoyable season of golf, we organize a few clinics taught by local professionals. Again, you only pay when you participate. Have a look at our schedule to see which clinics might make the most sense for you.
Whether you’re just getting started with the fabulous game of golf, or whether you’ve been playing it for a lifetime, we welcome you with open arms! More information and online membership registration available at
If you have specific questions, please direct them to [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you!