First Green Foundation Formalizes Expansion to Western Canada

First Green Foundation formalized its relationship with the Western Canada Turfgrass Association (WCTA), through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed August 24 after a successful train-the-trainer event held at the Redwoods Golf Course in Langley, B.C.

The MOU comes after a more than a year of the two groups’ efforts introducing western Canadian golf course superintendents to this unique program that brings environmental education to students in grades 5 and up using golf courses as environmental learning labs.

Karen Armstead, First Green executive director, said after the signing, “First Green will do very well in Canada because of WCTA members’ commitment to sharing the benefits of golf courses for communities. We are excited to see First Green flourish in this environment.”

As part of the MOU, First Green will train WCTA staff and Directors in the program, participate in WCTA demo events, provide an annual report and offer support resources to help promote the First Green program.

WCTA will promote the First Green program in Western Canada. It will also provide updates to First Green on local programs and training, and assist First Green in collecting survey feedback information during field trips and share this information with First Green.

About First Green


First Green is an innovative environmental education outreach program that uses golf courses as environmental learning labs – the only program of its kind. First Green provides extensive resources to golf course superintendents, including online lesson plans.

First Green has been providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) learning since 1997.

Golf course superintendents and/or local golf course representatives host students on field trips where they test water quality, collect soil samples, identify plants, design plantings, assist in stream bed restoration, and are involved in the ecology and environmental aspects of the golf course. The students are also introduced to many other aspects of golf.

Supporters of First Green include the United States Golf Association (USGA), Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), Washington State Golf Association, Pacific Northwest Golf Association, the Northwest Turfgrass Association, Western Washington Golf Course Superintendents Association, local golf clubs, public and private school systems, and individual contributors who assist the organization through monetary grants and participation in field trips.

A tax-exempt nonprofit, First Green was founded in the State of Washington in 1997 and is expanding nationally and internationally.

For more information on First Green, please visit or contact Cathy Relyea at 425.373.9915 or

About the WCTA:

The WCTA is a 700-plus member not-for-profit association based in Western Canada and interested in further education, research and the exchange of information related to turfgrass management. Members represent a diversity of sectors such as golf courses, school boards, municipalities, sod farms, nurseries, landscapers, lawn-bowling greens, mechanics, horticulturists and industry suppliers.

The organization is actively involved in the promotion and support of research, education and discussion in professional turfgrass management. For more information, visit