As the golfing season draws to a close we would like to give you information regarding your membership with the WSGA and the posting of scores during our Inactive season, November 15 to the last day of February.
- Your WSGA Membership runs from January 1 to December 31. While clubs may extend your membership into the Spring, clubs may inactivate members who have not paid their membership dues for the upcoming year any time after December 31.
- All WSGA Members will have their USGA Handicap Index updated on the 1st and 15th of every month, even during the Inactive Score Posting Period, as long as their membership is active at GHIN.
- The WSGA does have Member Clubs that allow their members to post Home Scores only during our Inactive Score Posting Period. The scores may only be posted on the computer at their home club, are never transmitted to GHIN and are not used in calculating the member’s USGA Handicap Index. Any Home Scores from rounds played within the boundaries of the WSGA posted during the Inactive Score Posting Period will be automatically deleted when the Active Score Posting Period begins on March 1.
- If you travel to an area that is still accepting scores during our Inactive Score Posting Period, you must post those scores as soon as practicable. Please do not hold them and bring them back to have your Handicap Chairperson post them in the Spring. The preferred method of score posting is always to do so using the computer at the club where the round was played. You may, however, also post via or through the WSGA/GHIN Mobile App on your smartphone or tablet.
- If you travel to an area that is still accepting scores during our Inactive Score Posting Period and your club has inactivated your membership, you must still post those scores as soon as practicable. If your membership is inactive, you cannot post via or through the WSGA/GHIN Mobile App but you can post using the computer at the club where the round was played. Scores posted while your membership is inactive will stay in your record at GHIN and will be used in calculating your USGA Handicap Index once you renew your WSGA membership.
If you have any questions regarding your membership with the Washington State Golf Association or score posting during our Inactive Score Posting Period, please contact us at 1-800-643-6410.