On Oct 23, 2016, the Evans Scholars Foundation held an open house at the newest Scholarship House, this one at the University of Oregon in Eugene. It is the new home of the 31 Evans Scholars who are attending the university. The students, all attending the school on full tuition and housing Evans Caddie Scholarships, moved into the house at the start of fall quarter.
Over several years, at Evans Cup fundraisers conducted by the PNGA, Oregon Golf Association and Washington State Golf Association, and through other efforts such as the Par Club, funds were raised to not only support the scholarships but also, now, to open this new Scholarship House, the first in the region. The Foundation has committed to establishing a Scholarship House at the University of Washington in 2018.
There are now currently Scholarship Houses at 15 universities in the U.S., and there are Evans Scholars at 20 universities.