Each summer, the Evans Scholarship House at the University of Washington houses young high school students participating in the Seattle Academy program.

Participants are chosen during their freshman year of high school based on demonstrating outstanding academics, leadership and character. The Seattle Caddie Academy gives these students the chance to earn money, build relationships and learn invaluable life lessons.
During the summer, the young caddies live together in the Evans House with guidance from current Evans Scholars, and work at local golf courses during the summer. The program also includes test prep, college visits and field trips.
After completing three summers, they are eligible to apply for the Evans Scholarship, a full tuition and housing college scholarship.
There are currently four Caddie Academy chapters in the U.S., which are administered by the Western Golf Association – two in Illinois, one in Philadelphia, and the Seattle Caddie Academy.
For information, visit wgacaddieacademy.org or contact Kara Stack at 224.260.3771 or [email protected].
There were more than 300 new Evans scholarships awarded in 2021. In 2022, there are 1,070 Scholars attending 21 universities. Two regional fundraisers are held in the fall, the Evans Cup of Washington and Evans Cup of Oregon. For information, contact Bill Moses at [email protected].