Winner of From Her Tees last issue drawing
Patti Smith of Longview, Wash. was the winner of the Cutter & Buck outfit. Here she is in her own words.

Six decades ago my parents were avid golfers. On Saturday and Sunday mornings my two sisters and I would go with them to Royal Oaks CC in Vancouver, Wash. They would go golf and we would go to the end of the practice range where there was a sandbox, swing set and a teeter-totter. There we would play until our parents were finished.
We all started Junior Golf as soon as we could hold a club – at first it was three holes, then five, then nine, then 18.
On great sunny summer days, my best friend and I would play nine then go swim in the pool, dry off and play another nine or maybe 18.
Now at 67 years old, I will play this upcoming weekend in a two-day tournament and defend my title as Ladies Club Champion.
Lots of memories, lots of stories, lots of friends. (Editor’s note: a few days after Patti sent us her email, she did indeed win her club championship again.)
My favorite story to share:
In 1988 on June 14th it was Ladies Day at Longview Country Club. It was also my due date with my second child. I did not feel like I was having labor pains so I decided to play 18 holes with the gals at the club. My dear friend Helen said to me, “Okay, but you are riding with me!”
Then she asked for some extra towels (just in case). When we finished the 16th hole, I said to Helen, ” You know, I think I am scoring well today.”
Helen says. “Don’t think about it. Just keep playing.” Upon completion of the 18th hole I scored a 78! On my due date in 1988! What a thrill. My daughter was born 10 days later and she too has a lovely golf swing.
Patti Smith
Longview, Wash.