The Western Golf Association Caddie Academy Seattle will begin in the summer of 2020. Up to eight female students from the state of Washington will caddie at two local golf clubs while living at the University of Washington Evans Scholarship House for seven weeks. Transportation to and from the clubs will be organized by current female Evans Scholars who will serve as counselors for the summer. All participants will be dropped off and picked up together at a time agreed upon by caddie managers/golf professionals.

In addition to caddying, participants will have access to special programming, including golf lessons, mentoring, guest speakers, field trips and a book club, along with personal and professional development. Participants will qualify for the Caddie Academy by demonstrating excellent academics, outstanding leadership and strong character. All participants must demonstrate significant financial need and lack easy access to a nearby caddie program. After completing three consecutive summers, participants will be eligible to apply for college scholarships for caddies.
Click here for more information.